The seventh volume of Sweetheart's acclaimed series finds two girls, Ash Hollywood and Allie Haze, on the run from a dark and troubling past. After their car breaks down, they meet Deauxma, a police detective and her lover Nina Hartley, a social worker. The older women seek to help the younger girls, only to find Allie anxious and fearful and Ash distrustful and defensive. These four characters are locked in a battle of wills as they pair off into passionate encounters, ultimately learning the truth, as the older women teach the younger girls the meaning of trust.
Lesbian Beauties 17: Black And Asian
In this 2nd volume of Sweethearts popular IR......
Lesbian Adventures: Older Women, Younger Girls 2
There's nothing sweeter than an older, more......
Lesbian Beauties 15: All Black Beauties
The latest installment in this award winning......